Originally Posted by Cobb
I wish I could get arrested.
Yeah, jail isnt that bad.  3 squares and a cot!!! Im a reverse vampire, so Im use to sleeping with the lights on. Being in rehab is a lot like jail.
Sounds like you were in a holding cell more or less vs prison. Its not that bad either way, there usually enough gay men in the population that the rape stuff is a non issue.
When I faced homelessness, I joined the Army, which fed me, gave me a place to sleep, and usually let me turn out the lights. Also, my clothing looks way better! Hopefully healthier women attracted to this type of man in uniform.
I was in a holding cell and then... I do not know, my own holding cell? I lovely concrete bed, but the foam pad was decent.
I had read
7 Horrifying Things You Didn't (Want to) Know About Prison | Cracked.com and I read it again, along with related pages. That former guard says most sex is consensual. Are we finished with this topic? Please?
Originally Posted by California98Civic
That sounds crappy. Whatever it was keep the identifying details off the interwebs until the situation/process is over. Actually, keep them off the web forever. BTW, there are websites now that post arrest records online. I'm sure there's one where you are. Just FYI. Don't sweat it too much from the perspective of jobs and such. I'm acquainted with people in the community who have been into all kinds of scrapes with the law. Some have done a little time here and there, 6 months, 2 years. They get jobs. They go to school. It's not a permanent brand, is my point.
Good luck. (By which I mean get a good damned scheister lawyer!)

The guard that processed me said my mugshots will not be published. He also said that first-time offenders are offered community service without anything on their record, but that is apparently if they only cite you for one thing.
I am just going to assume fate intentionally hid this from me:
4 Things You Should Know Before Spending a Weekend in Jail | Cracked.com
Fat Charlie, fill in any gaps with body filler?