just found this thread from the eco mods index. as soon as i started reading in a bit about how the 5th wheel works, i had the idea for rear wheel hub motors on my FWD 1995 Saturn SL1. After reading through, I decided that the info on this thread might be outdated, as far as hub motors go, so i looked around for 15 minutes and found this:
any thoughts on the applicability of one of these?
I was looking at this one(kellycontroller.com/hub-motor-48v3kw-high-torquedisc-brake-p-158.html) specifically, as it mentions high torque
also, can anyone tell me whether or not i'd have to have a 13" rim for this thing, or if it's just telling me that the damned thing is 13" in diameter? my stock tires are 14s that i plan on changing to 15s or 16s. definately dont wanna pick out a motor that puts me a step in the wrong direction.
Sorry about the absence of links... im a newb... T-T