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Old 08-21-2014, 05:44 PM   #23 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by chillsworld View Post
Thanks for the link, that's awesome! Think how many folks could utilize that on SUV's and trucks that wander off the beaten path on the regular! Or for cars that encounter steep drive ways for that matter.

Quick question, on your design for the hitch mount... How did you secure it to the rear of the vehicle? Or did you simply intend to design it's footprint slightly smaller than the back of the vehicle so that air would "jump" any gap between vehicle and structure?

The premise of the design is that it integrates directly to the host vehicle as if it were an OEM organic extension.There's no gap.
The receiver carries the vertical load in cantilever,checks vertical displacement, while upper tension straps inhibit any longitudinal movement or 'roll.'
The tail on my CRX was built on the car and fit like a glove.It would be the same for SUVs,just a larger structure.

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Last edited by aerohead; 08-21-2014 at 07:24 PM.. Reason: add image
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