Originally Posted by MPaulHolmes
... Maybe I could make a little driver & isolated supply board. It will already have an ATTiny25 micro on there acting as an oscillator for the A/D. Maybe it could optionally (using jumpers) also generate the 2 fixed duties. so it could be a standalone boost/isolated supply/driver board, or just an isolated supply/driver board if you leave off the jumper...
I don't think i will need the boost feature (motor has been rewound for a lower voltage) so the board that you have ordered will be sufficient for me.
If i boosted the voltage then i am sure i would end up grenading my motor from too high an RPM.
Do any of the other prototypers/beta testers need voltage boost? If not then developing the controller with 4 IGBT capability may be the way to go and save the 3 IGBT controller boards for people who don't need the voltage boost.