Originally Posted by darcane
A couple things:
1) it's not distance so much as time. My current 24 mile commute typically takes me longer than my 45 mile commute did when I was younger. Dense city traffic vs. open, rural highways.
2) My job is about 30 miles away from my wife's job. I have a longer commute so she can have a shorter one. Working closer to home would be nice, but it's not in the cards right now.
I agree with Darcane, and stress that it's about the character of the commute. I could not stomach a 10-mile commute that took 45 minutes to cover. Yet I can do a 70 mile commute because I never have any traffic, few lights and it is mostly through open farm country. Then again, I don't yet have to do it every day (yet), so maybe I'm kidding myself a little bit. Yes, it's a couple of hours or more a day, but there's always working from home here and there; books on tape; podcasts, etc. Plus in my case, I'm of the age where I know it won't be forever and I will have the option to stop doing it in the not too distant future.
But again, the key is to not have stop-and-go traffic. I believe that my long, traffic free commute is easier (for me) than the shorter stop-and-go commutes I see people doing who live closer.