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Old 08-22-2014, 05:46 PM   #966 (permalink)
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EDIT: I'm not aware of any license for anything. I'm just hanging out at home, making stuff up as I go. haha. Thankfully, I don't teach at Maricopa HS. I used to teach at a high school for one horrible year. I don't actually have much of any sort of plans for anything. I'm just trying to make an AC controller that people can adapt and change the code how they see fit for their own needs. I don't see the software as too bad. The boost stage addition stuff, I'm told (by the EVTech list), will work, but it does add a level of complexity.
FWIW, you used the word 'open', that sets expectations in the larger world. People are going to read things into the use of the word. "Many eyes make all bugs shallow."

Open Source didn't start with software, it's the way lawyer practise for instance; and now it's grown to embrace embroidery patterns. Basically it employs copyright law to simulate anarchy. I'm not prepared to explain patent and copyright law vs the various flavors of Open Source and Creative Commons licensing—but it's worth knowing about if your doing this.

Some places to start:Mentioning a specific high school was counterproductive. Makerspaces are labs that you subscribe to to get access to 3D printers, 5-axis mills and other items that exceed the capabilities of your average suburban garage.

Originally Posted by Astro
As soon as i read that i was visualising you pulling up to some traffic lights but instead of stopping you end up doing a big handbrake drift right through the intersection.
I'm not sure how use a brake to shoot through an intersection. I generally roll up to a stop, tap the brakes to demonstrate the taillights work and then use the handbrake as a hill-holder or hedge against getting rear ended.

Maybe with front-wheel drive and a stuck throttle?
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