Originally Posted by MPaulHolmes
I was reading the MIT license (I always wanted to go there, but the 1.2 gpa wouldn't allow it. lol). What if someone changes a little of the code? Are they then forced to include a message to everyone that others can use their code however they want? What if I want others to change the code and maybe keep it all sneaky and hidden if they feel like it, or shout it to the rooftops each line they typed if that's what they want? Reading about licenses is giving me an Office Space style case of the mondays...
I thought that the copyright and licensing stuff was to stop someone taking what you made and claiming it as their own. And then selling the product commercially for a fortune.
If you are not fussed on what people do with the design then does it really need any sort of licensing or copyright statements?
Of course i am totally uninformed when it comes to this stuff.
Maybe there is somebody reading this thread that has had to do this copyright/licensing stuff before and can give you a cheat sheet.