So in this thread we discussed the guy who said that he was the manager at a computer (and smartphone) repair store who told me that I did not have hard drive issues, my laptop cooling pad provided too much air, causing my laptop to freeze, and he did not have any idea what he was saying:
I could not find anything useful through the web, but I think that I disabled the utility causing the problem. Honestly, I do not know, I keep using Dad's laptop. I am not even sure where the charger for mine is. However, Arragonis talked to me about taking apart the laptop and cleaning out the dust. Suddenly, when Dad's laptop boots, it tells me to shut down immediately, the fan is not working. As long as I use the laptop cooling pad it is fine, but anything that I plug into a USB port comes loose easily, although I tend to notice now. Maybe it is clogged with dust. Perhaps it needs a new fan. I would rather not take it apart twice for the same problem or order a part that I do not need.
It just seems strange, this cooling pad was the highest rated, with one giant fan in the middle. My other one has two fans. That seems well and good, but on every laptop that I have ever owned, the fan has been on the left side, and the left edge got hotter than anywhere else. Is there any way to actually direct cooling there? It might seem silly to put in five two-inch fans at the very left edge, but that just might do more than one giant fan in the middle.
What do you guys think?
I am hesitant to take apart a laptop that works well, I never had a problem with desktops, but despite trying to keep track of which screws go where, that always seems to get confused, and it seems like there is an amazing amount of tiny, fragile parts.