Originally Posted by MetroMPG
I was thinking the same membrane connecting the pan ahead & behind the front control arms would be good... and then rememebered the wheels have to steer too. 
Why not have a piece that's attached to the upright, and turns with the wheel?
Originally Posted by metroschultz
Here in the great Commonwealth of Va. dot regs say they (speed bumps) are not to exceed four(4) inches in height. Real world speed bumps can be as tall as six inches.
Than why not go for 5", and if you find anything over 4" make them shave them down to the VDOT specs?
Another thing to consider is your approach angle. So, with 5" ride height, and fully compressed suspension what's the maximum angle you can approach; "the steep driveway conundrum."
As for ducting. Just think "P-51". I'd have to find/unpack some books to try and estimate opening size . But <generalizations>you'll get lower drag with a duct from the opening to the radiator and from the radiator to the exit. The exit should be "variable", so that changing the exit size will increase the low pressure zone at the exit and promote flow at lower speed (the fan does the same thing). But you'd want it in a location of low pressure to begin with. Water cooled engines still benefit from air cooling, but you could probably figure that out after getting it running again, and just pop some variable vents in the hood (in it's low pressure zone) that can be tweaked open based on OAT, ECU closed/open loop, under-hood temp and mph (or just use your brain and a lever).</generalizations>