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Old 08-27-2014, 06:41 AM   #8 (permalink)
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This should do it I think. It's designed for a nominally 5V TPS.

The 1M and 330k resistors are a voltage divider to drop the TPS signal (up to 5V) to 1.25V max., for input into the LM3914. The 1M also protects the TPS signal from being altered significantly by this circuit.

The capacitors and zener diodes are for dampening any noise and dissipating any voltage spikes respectively.

Because the TPS voltage will be somewhat greater than 0V with a closed throttle and less than the 5V reference at WOT, the two 5k resistors are used. These are a voltage divider, used to set the voltages that will just avoid lighting the first LED on a closed throttle and just cause the 10th LED to light at WOT.

The current through the LEDs is set by the current flowing through the total resistance between pin 7 and ground eg. {1/1k + 1/(5k +5k)} = 1/Rt. You can adjust the brightness of the LEDs - within reason - by varying the value of the resistor in the position of the 1k.
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