Originally Posted by sheepdog 44
The engine will not like the extra 750-800lbs and added frontal area. The gen 1 is a slow poke...
I wouldn't quite say it's a slowpoke, but if you don't want it to be, you will spend a lot of time in 2nd, 3rd, and 4th. With the extra weight &c, and a CVT that's probably not adjusted for it, you'll probably not see that much advantage.
FWIW, my Gen 1's fuel consumption takes a significant jump when the VTEC kicks in at a bit over 3K RPM. If you have to spend most of your time above that to move your Gen 2, I'm guessing that you'll likely not see much advantage. At some point, it boils down to the fact that it takes X amount of energy to move the car, and if you can only get that output by running the smaller engine outside its best BSFC area, it won't improve things.