*The only way meaningful results are going to emerge from the signal-to-noise ratio is to:
*Fully-warm the vehicle with at least 22-miles of continuous 50-mph driving.
*Immediately top-off the tank,to the brim.
*Get right onto a highway.
*Get up to a constant velocity and hold that velocity constant.
*Drive a meaningful distance (an entire tank would give the best accuracy)
*Decelerate,do a U-turn.
*Accelerate back up to your prior velocity.
*Cruise at that velocity,back to your origin.
*Drive directly to the same gas pump and top-off.
*Your comparison mpg baseline must be developed in exactly the same fashion,or else you don't HAVE a baseline with which to compare.
*You cannot drive in urban traffic
*No stops
*No yields
*No idling
*You cannot pulse and glide
*The weather needs to be the same as without the mod
*You must drive the identical route
*The only variable allowed is the single modification.
*Natural mpg variability could be around 12% depending on weather,grades,road surface,curves,traffic,etc..
Wind tunnels were developed to simplify data extraction.Everything can be accounted for.Road testing is fraught with hundreds of pitfalls.
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