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Old 09-01-2014, 11:08 PM   #35 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Cobb View Post
Who me? I doubt anyone really understands insurance and their rights.

Thnigs Ive heard about insurance:

1. If a guy hits you and has no insurance, your insurance is suppose to cover you anyway.

2. If you sue and win against your insurance company they are required to pay court and attorney fees.

3. They must pay you for diminished value of your vehicle if its fixable.

4. Renters or home owners insurance covers possessions inside your vehicle. IE ipad, iphone, laptop, etc.

5 Even if you arent at fault, you can use your insurance to fix your car and they will deal with the other guy and his insurance company.
This is not about what anyone might have "heard". It's about the real world of how insurance works, and settling a claim.

Here's my suggestion, FWIW. First read your insurance policy to find out what is covered, and what isn't. If you or anyone here can't comprehend the 50 or more pages comprising their POLICY that the insurance company sent to you, (although it IS in now written in plain English, just more pages than ever, and enough to make your eyes blur), ask your insurance agent to explain it to you, also in plain English.

"Comprehensive" insurance means you are paying through the nose in being insured for everything imaginable, including your own mishaps. "Basic liability" means you are covered only for your own misdeeds, nothing more than that.

If an accident is not mostly your fault (or not your fault at all), you can file a claim with the insurance company of the party that is at fault, as they are liable for damages done to you, and everyone must carry auto liability insurance, as mandated by law.

That's just the basics, and an understanding of this usually suffices to get paid for a claim to cover your damages. As I said earlier, if the damage done is catastrophic and your damages are also, it might be time to consult a lawyer.
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