I'm not too familiar with BMW back ends, but in general, these motors are not much larger than a standard rear differential. For my 1G Eclipse, I will be able to fit two motors in the back end (I've already removed the rear differential.) The motors will have to face backwards, necessitating some oil system mods.
You may want to consider the vehicle balance, and how you can creatively get it closer to 50:50. Most front motor cars are seriously weight biased toward the front. It's likely if you put the entire battery pack in the front, it will only get worse.
For example, on my Eclipse, the rear differential and driveshaft weighed 100lbs, exactly what one MGR weighs!

Now, if I go with two MGR's in the rear, I've moved some of the weight biase toward the rear, but the battery is a pretty huge chunk. On the other hand, It might be possible to split the pack so that along with the additional electric motor weight in the back you could achieve a very nicely balanced car.
Originally Posted by 4x4EV
awesome, I have been watching these motors for a BMW rear wheel drive conversion, would leave tons of space under the hood for controller/computer/bms/batteries, good value compared to alternatives i have been looking at