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Old 07-15-2008, 08:18 PM   #74 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by NeilBlanchard View Post
I'll bet that if it could be fitted with a plug in electric hybrid system, it would do even better than 84mpg.
Oh there are all sorts of upgrades/mods. We don't know what the underbelly looks like, the front tires can have 1-piece plastic hubs, and what about losing the rear seats and panels in the car, more weight. (And the driver could do with losing some weight too, probably) If you are really serious, ditch the alternator and get a motorcycle battery, and set a charger on it every night. The alternator is not nearly as efficient as a nice charger. Even when its not running there is still a belt or something turning because of it.

Other than that, obviously it needs to gain a few pounds to pass crash test, after all concept cars aren't usually crash tested and may not pass.
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