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Old 09-04-2014, 02:19 AM   #57 (permalink)
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"It may not look like much, old man; but it did the Kessel run in 12 Parsecs"

It looks like it fits very nicely. I would probably rotate it backward until the bottom is level-ish. I think that will also make things fit better as you said, relative to the frame rails. A decent indicator is those two back bolt-holes. Those holes should be parallel to the ground.

- E*clipse

Originally Posted by freebeard View Post
"It may not look like much, old man; but it did the Kessel run in 12 Parsecs."

Dropped in place and wedged until it's almost level. It needs to move forward about 1" and maybe be rotated up in the front to conform to the rise in the frame rails; but there's a good 1 1/2" clearance to the sheetmetal overhead. Now it's back downtown for pressure washing and steam cleaning. The temp sensor plug came with it.

I'm stoked. Not having to modify the original sheetmetal opens up Bu$ine$$ Opportunitie$.

Dynamometer: Bolt sprockets to both output shafts and run chains to two sprockets on a single axle.
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