Good thread!!! It seems were getting somewhere now.
In the pics above is the plumbing for my now hot air system. It started out as a N2O direct port dry system
and worked great!!! Nice even nitrous delivered directly to the intake valves. I was running up to a 200HP shot a couple years ago. I have in my engine management system a nitrous enable fuel table so as soon as the nitrous system is activated it switches to the nitrous fuel table.
Some times you learn things from mistakes or in this case a nitrous solenoid leak. I was out FE tuning and happen to leave the bottle valve open after doing some 60' testing for drag racing. The first thing I noticed was a very slight lean condition at medium load before lean burn mode, so I adjusted and added a little more fuel to fix the problem. The crazy part was my lean burn was not affected, so no changes were made at this point. I was out for a couple hours adjusting ignition and fuel at very light load. About 30 minutes into testing I started noticing I couldn't add anymore ignition advance in fact I had to pull timing out to get the car to keep its freeway speed at light load lean burn???? I was running 15* less ignition advance. So I thought maybe the timing belt jumped or my CAS was moved or going bad. So I through a timing light on it to double check everything and it was all good???
I was totally baffled and very happy with the FE results but my TPS and load was lower then normal, so I knew I increased intake pumping losses.
About two days later I went out to try some more 60' testing and then realized all the nitrous was used up and the nitrous bottle valve was all the way open. Light Bulb ON
So I did some FE testing and had to move every parameter back to before the nitrous leak. In my ECM link I keep all my previous files so it only took about 20 seconds to go back to the pre-nitrous leak map. I drove the car around for a couple days and didn't change anything. Then refilled the nitrous bottle and recreated the nitrous leak before fixing the nitrous solenoid and went to the nitrous leak map. AB tested without enough data collected so I never mention it.
I did this once before with my Del Sol but never tested it. It started out the same way from a nitrous solenoid not seated all the way. In both occasions were talking a very small amount of nitrous.
So IMHO I can see where HHO could possibly help with combustion efficiency? If you can increase flames speed you can increase engine efficiency. Whats even more cool is with an increase in flame speed you could increase the compression of the engine (North Star Cad engine).
Also if you increase flame speed it would help a ton with lean burn.
So I don't have any testing with HHO but I can see where it could help. Now the big $$$ question is how much HHO and would it be cost effective???
I don't have a clue?