Here we have a very interesting paper where they analyse using exhaust heat to power a rankine cycle system to recover power. I've long wondered how much power you can really harness from the exhaust.
I did not read the whole paper, but I've cut up a bunch of the info to share here.
Here we have the general premise. Capture heat from the exhaust to vaporize a fluid, use the resulting pressure to spin a pump/turbine, condense the gas back to a liquid, and pump it back into the high pressure side to turn back into a gas again.
Basically, they used a 2nd gen Prius as an example vehicle under two operating points. Point #1 is about 5kW engine output, point #2 is 20 kW.
And, here we have the power recovery they calculated. Php is the high pressure side pressure, Plp is low side pressure.