Oh, and an another thought (which relates to the hot-rodding philosophy

The graph of the Prius motor's torque vs current is pretty linear. Proportionally more current produces proportionally more torque.
The power equation is linear as well...
So, we may not know the exact numbers for the MGR we're using, BUT we do know it's construction is the similar.
See below: We may be doing well to ACTUALLY USE IT at the published specs...
Edit - I did some double checking on ORNL's tests vs Toyota's published specs. I find this very interesting: ORNL merely tested it a LITTLE BIT beyond the motor's published data! Seriously, the torque rating of the Prius motor is 207 Nm!
So, it looks (to me

) like Toyota pushed it hard for some marketing specs, but I seriously doubt the controller lets people drive it like that.