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Old 09-05-2014, 10:38 PM   #6 (permalink)
Master EcoModder
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Charging the battery to 80% or so is fine. That should take a few hours even at 350 ma. You can make a solar charger to do that or something with a battery pack. Effects would be limited to afew miles before the extra energy stored wears off. The health of your starter battery is equally as important and precharging it helps too for a few miles before that benefit wears off.

What helps the most is to build a grid charger and leave it on the car for a few days to "balance" all the cells in the pack. You do this til the voltage stabilizes. Some even go a step further and drain the pack, then charge it for several cycles.

Question is, are you having any problems. The true secret to mpg is to not use any of the ima system and abuse the lean burn most of those vehicles are equipped with. Issues with the o2 sensor, egr, map, vacuum leaks, etc cause issues with lean burn and 90% of your fuel economy.
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