The bowl design in the piston and the ignition timing via multiple injections events and high injection pressure help to bring compression down and still be able to cold start. You may be able to use less compression if you're willing to crank on it until it builds heat from compressing and maybe using a intake air heating method. Using ether would probably wreck the ring lands or split a rod.
There was a German diesel bicycle motor that used a mix of diesel and gasoline. That may help you get it started better. I've used gasoline to thin motor oil so I could filter it and run it in an old Benz I had some time ago. Gasoline was allowed (in that motor) to prevent fuel gelling in winter in the owners manual IIRC.
The combustion events carried a very strong wave through the rods and crank--enough to ring the flywheel in my 06 Jetta. That was the rattle you would hear at idle in neutral if you didn't have a dual mass flywheel to make it quieter.