I apparently have too tight a budget to entertain with. I can still get by with 100% motivation, I just use all the wrong mods because they seem to work.
I think 91 is fine but it cost more. The gas door specs 96 for some extra get up and go for this model of car... I found e85 for less than $3 dollars a gallon. I just ran it about but it seems the same idea goes for the same small mod. I picked up attention from another small sub compact of some kind. We did trip the sensor illuminating the knock panel light. I can't honestly tell until next week when I do a fill up how poorly the mileage goes. It feels the same power wise. It is ok for letting me to the races...
Last edited by BikerModder; 03-11-2016 at 10:01 PM..
Reason: eroneus off topic details about my Korean import.