Red for stop, green for go. I wanted to put an auxiliary start button straight ahead of the shifter so as I start, my palm is on the shifter so when I pull away from the start button I can pull the shifter back into drive in the same movement. The lock cylinder on the car is a lil floppy, and kinda awkward to use while driving
The injector kill uses a NC relay wired through a fuse tap with a fuse slot for the tap, allowing the factory wiring to remain intact, and so that the kill can be electronically removed by just installing the fuse to the original location. Power returns back through the lower fuse slot(difficult to see in pic) on a wire with a fuse leg soldered onto a wire
Starter setup is a pretty standard relay setup wired directly to the starter terminal, again to leave the factory wiring intact

Buttons are like the one at
16mm Flush Mounted Momentary SPST Green Stainless Steel Round Push Button Switch:Amazon:Home Improvement