I went thru something similar with my car but it was just when starting it would it die. I cleaned the MAF, throttle body, pcv, egr, replaced all the vacuum hoses, cleaned iac, went thru procedures to setting timing and idle. Now it is pretty much fixed only does it every once in a while, but at least it only does when starting and not running. Luckily I found message board articles doing a run down of fixing issues with my particular car. Maybe you do the same with your car? Not familiar with your type of car sorry, but the in general things I listed may help, I know mine was a combination of things.
One trick I do know that I have used in the past(wastes a little gas if you idle alot) is set the idle higher where it might not die when you drive it, then when you have more time to work on it lower it again, try a fix if it works you are done, if not set the idle higher so you can drive it without dying then next pay day try another fix, if that works your done, etc. Might get you by until a permanent fix, kinda a work around.