We scored an extra hatch at Pick n Pull (well, if $130 counts as "scored,") and thus felt free in taking a welder to the hatch on the car to create the Kammback. After debating materials, Johnny decided to weld one up out of metal. This has its pluses and minuses, but certainly scores some points in the durability department.
Essentially, he built a ladder frame and then skinned it. The biggest downside of what he did, other than time, is that the frame material does tend to warp under the heat of the MIG welder, so it was not easy keeping straight -- there are definite waves to the finished product, and we couldn't fill and straighten in paint because body filler would pop loose from the shaking. On the other hand, having a metal kamm painted out body color does look extremely clean and consistent, and the material wins in the durability department. All in all I am tickled pink with the result. Total cost was probably $500 between materials, labor, paint and finish, not counting the welder or the second hatch.
Here are the pics of the frame going up.