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Old 09-16-2014, 02:44 PM   #6 (permalink)
EcoModding Lurker
Join Date: Jul 2013
Location: Rochester, NY
Posts: 32

Porter - '13 Ford C-max SEL
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Go with traffic... drive a wet road like you would in the rain and a dry road...

The thing Southerners don't appreciate is the effectiveness of snow plows and salt in regions that get significant snowfall. The 4" snowfall that paralyzes Atlanta is a weekly occurance, so we plow and treat and go about our business.

The one exception is a winter storm or snow squall. Respect the weather forecast! Winter can be dangerous, but rarely without warning.

That said, I've had snows the majority of my 40 Rochester winters, but then, I really enjoy driving in the snow!

HAve fun,
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