[Road Grades/mpg]
This material is from George Wallace,one of Chrysler Corporation's computer whiz-kid's research, that helped them win them the Mobil Economy Run competition, more than once.Wallace recognized from pre-competition tests conducted at the Proving-Grounds,that small-engined cars were"fussy" about hill-climbing,and cooked up the following strategy to deal with road grades during the competition.------------------------------- On level roads,or grades up to 1% they'd drive 55-mph(88km/h).----------------------------- On a 2% grade,they'd fall back to 50-mph(80km/h).------------------------------------- At 4% grade,they'd drop to 40-mph(65km/h).------------------------------------ At 6%,30-mph(48km/h).-------------------------------------------------- The US,EPA claims that maintaining the speed limit up a 3% grade can cost you 32% in mpg.--------------------------------------- Driving the posted speed limit up a 7% grade can cost you 55% in mileage.
Photobucket album: http://s1271.photobucket.com/albums/jj622/aerohead2/