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Old 09-19-2014, 01:03 PM   #43 (permalink)
EcoModding Lurker
Join Date: Sep 2014
Location: Western Colorado
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If you have 'pinging under load' issues and don't want to use 92 octane fuel, why don't you install a water injection kit? You could also try using the correct spark plug (NOT cut up) that is one heat range colder.

You keep everything stock, plus you get the added benefit of gaining a few horsepower without losing any FE.....and water is cheap.

Do you know where the air intake is for the engine? Do you have any idea what the intake air temperature is? You could try some experiments with a cold air intake. Not the best for fuel economy but it will help control pinging if the intake air is cooler.

If you have a habit of buying the cheapest fuel you can find, you might be wrestling with a carbon deposit issue inside the engine. Try running of few tanks of gas with some 44K or Techron Concentrate.

I'm sorry, but butchering up spark plugs isn't high on my list of sound mechanical modifications. And adding spark plug anti-foulers is only going to hurt fuel economy because of the increased likelihood of bad scavenging around the spark plug and subsequent random misfires.
Tools are like weapons. Drunks and the feeble minded shouldn't be allowed to handle them.
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