Hmmmm that's strange - I wonder what's up with 62.5kHz?? Seriously - why would they use that frequency?
Thanks for the heads - up about Q7 and Q8!
- E*clipse
Originally Posted by MPaulHolmes
I'm using the attiny25. Nothing wrong with a dedicated chip (ltc6907)whose purpose is specifically for making pulses! By the way, I just programmed the attiny yesterday, and rediscovered that it is 62.5khz, not 50khz. Oh well. My memory was a bit faulty.
I found a minor mistake on the board. Q7 and Q8 need to be rotated 180 degrees before inserting them. I had fixed that a long time ago, installed a new version of designspark, and forgot that I had the old bad copy of that footprint. Oh well.