His commute is 8 miles either way. I would guess it probably depends on the elevation changes he experiences. In either scenario, freeway, or local, the differences will be freeways tend to have less steep grades uphill and downhill. In his location how heavy is the traffic? How many stops especially those that are at the bottom of hills as Metro stated in his post.
The perfect hill allows you to climb at best bsfc, then maintain the same speed downhill, with the least disruption of traffic flow. The climb would be more steep than the downhill, with the downhill being the perfect slope to maintain your speed target, probably close to the speed limit.
The Prius is good aero wise, but wheel to wheel regen efficiency is not as high as best engine efficiency.
Without more information it's hard to choose the best route. If the hills are coastable within a close range of your desired average speed. The that would be the better choice, but that is ass-uming you dont have stop and go situations on the local route.
Last edited by user removed; 09-24-2014 at 11:01 PM..