The car comes with the upgraded onboard charger (6.6 kw) and I have a free (never used in two years) 220 outlet, but for us it would probably be fine with the 110 which I have read does some what better than you quoted Cobb. Today I drove much more than normal and still was home by 4 PM. That means at least 16 hours for charging or 64 miles at 4 miles per hour charging, plus I almost never use heat or AC unless I have to clear the windows and starting from the garage AC use would only be if the car was parked in the sun, before the return trip. Free charging at the dealership for the term of the lease with one of the wifes favorite outdoor mall shopping centers right next to the dealership.
Our electricity here is right at 9 cents per KWH calculated by dividing the bill, after the connection fee (have to pay that already) is subtracted, by the KWH used. I think Sept was 883 KWH but this fall has been very mild and we have not had the AC or heat on in a month.