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Old 10-02-2014, 02:24 PM   #13 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by chillsworld View Post
The goal is to have a taller sidewall, decreasing the sidewall defeats the purpose of going with the taller skinnier tire. The large sidewall is what allows for airing down...
I think we're talking about two different things here. 'Airing down' just isn't going to happen.

Two tracks on sand, same size tire, one at 32psi a one at 10psi. Do you see the difference? One sinks and one floats.
When did we start discussing dune buggies? Thought we were talking about driving trucks on rough dirt roads, where ability to go over rocks, potholes, and the like is what's important.

My statement about sidewalls folding over was a disclaimer regarding on road driving habits/techniques. If you drive your truck like a sports car, hitting twisty roads, death turns, etc, then you should get a lower aspect ration side wall and anticipate a reduced ability to air down on the trail (or so I would assume).
You pretty well have to drive your vehicle on pavement in order to get to where the dirt road starts, and the distance on pavement will likely be several times that on dirt. It's also likely (hereabouts, anyway) that a good part of the pavement portion will be twisty. So yes, I would appreciate the ability to go around curves at a reasonable speed.

Then again, if you are an ecomodder... You shouldn't be driving like a bat out of hell anyway
Whyever not? My goal is to be able to drive like a bat out of hell go through curves at a reasonable speed while using little fuel.
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