Originally Posted by cowmeat
I already installed one, if you look at Turtle's page you'll see the plate-mounted back-up camera is already on it. I don't know how to power it if I don't use the reverse light for power, though. If it's super easy to find a power source to tap into, I'd like to do it, but electrical is not my forte. I consider myself lucky to have hooked up the camera correctly in the first place.
Nope! I am currently saving over 50 bucks a week by carpooling with my wife. I finally have a car she enjoys carpooling with me in. Should I decide to do a mirror delete, I'm pretty sure the honeymoon would be over, and she'd go back to driving her Explorer! Making a 4% gain in mpg a very negative investment!
Your wife seems a lot like my dad. Extremely anti-hypermiler haha.