You've modified your argument to be whether or not there is currently a 50-state diesel available, and that is not the issue.
The issue is your original outlandish contention that diesels are "dirty, polluting, filthy, planet-destroying monsters". Diesels produce far lower amounts of all regulated emissions (except NOx) than do gas engines. How that translates into "planet-destroying" I can't figure out. For example, diesels produce so little CO that it is impossible to asphixiate yourself in an enclosed garage by running a diesel engine - it simply won't produce enough CO to kill anyone.
I'm going to say this one more time so maybe you will hear it - it has been impossible to introduce a 50-state diesel until 2008 because ULSD was not available as a fuel until late 2007. The responsibility for that lies not with the engine designs or the car companies, or with diesels per se, but with the oil companies that were providing US consumers with the equivalent of third-world diesel fuel until required to change by the EPA.
You seem to think that MB, VW or Honda introducing diesels within a year of the introduction of ULSD is some sort of negative comment on diesels. These manufacturers can't simply flip a switch and introduce new car lines - it takes time. Within a year is ultra-fast and most likely based on marketing rather than nasty, dirty, planet-destroying diesel problems.
Last edited by instarx; 07-17-2008 at 12:27 PM..