A sad sad day upon us, but alas, we must say goodbye to a great car and project. Hey accidents happen. The car performed great on its last voyage! My fiance who was driving to work in a very bad storm, hydroplaned on a sloping bend section of interstate that usually has a cascade of water. Long story short, just a little sore, and a couple minor bruises. Even as cautious as SHE is, Stay safe everyone!!
In light of this event, made me research the next car to get, even more than usual. The thing most if not all of us convey through the modifications of our vehicles is safety, first and foremost, and as much as we'd all like to strip some of our eco cars to the barebones, and those who choose to modify a chassis/suspension, or integrated safety equipment, please do so with caution! Especially if your not the only one who drives these vehicles, not everyone has the same mindsets as the person who's making those changes.. Mine were of cosmetic function, but all the same.. Thank you Everyone for the support and advice with his project, I'm pretty sure the next one will be just as fun and hope you guys will enjoy it too!!