Originally Posted by dremd
What kind of tubes are you looking at? Im looking at a similar (but different) project.
Canadian Tire is a major hardware store here. They sell food-grade tubing that I've used for a couple of hose project (brewing beers, etc). A small diameter tube with a wall thickness about equal to I.D. is what I will be looking for. I need something that won't pinch when i sit on it. My g/f suggested using "fabric glue" to attach the tubes to the towels, then fabric glueing another layer of fabric over the tubes... I don't know quite what I"ll do yet. Maybe that'll be my tinker project for next week.
I plan on using a wide dia hose from the bilge pump to a T-junction with 2 quarter-turn valves (passenger/driver). Then splitting the 2 outputs into multiple smaller-dia tubes attached to the towels so they run water in parallel. All the tubes will be recollected into larger dia tubes and dumped back into the ice box.