Originally Posted by Xist
Ever go on a night hike or camping and someone shines a flashlight in your face to see who you are? Of course, it is worse if you have actually adapted to the dark, but still not as bad as seeing a bright light while wearing night vision.
Later generations of night vision are designed to limit the amplification of bright sources of light. FLIR is an even better type of night vision that shouldn't be as susceptible to bright sources of light.
Originally Posted by jamesqf
Why street lights, though?
I've never understood street lights, but we have them everywhere in cities. It actually makes it more difficult to see while driving at night because it glares off of any fog on the windshield, or outside. It's particularly distracting in the snow, or when ice has formed on the windshield. Finally, it reduces night vision by constantly becoming brighter as you approach a light, and dimmer as you retreat from it. It would be safer, and certainly cheaper and less wasteful to not have street lights.
Pedestrians can carry a flashlight, and on most nights, the moon and stars provide enough light to navigate by, assuming a street light hasn't ruined the eyes natural night vision.