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Old 10-10-2014, 01:26 AM   #15 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by redpoint5 View Post
I'm not advocating these things, just sharing my previous experience. I also see no reason why texting should cause more accidents, but obviously it does. Holding the phone out in front and taking quick glances is similar in the amount of time it takes to check mirrors, so I would think it would have a similar amount of risk. It seems people spend more than a quick glance looking at their phones, and do so while in close traffic.
"More than 5,000 people die each year as a result of being distracted while driving"
"Among the various distractions, [...] texting while driving was particularly perilous. A 2009 study focusing on drivers of larger vehicles and trucks concluded that texting raised the risk of a crash by 23 times compared with nondistracted driving."

Is it not quite as dangerous in cars?

"Shockingly, texting drivers took their eyes off the road for each text an average of 4.6 seconds -- which at 55 mph"

Speed limits on most freeways here are 65 MPH, so everybody drives 75, and therefore would travel 506 feet in 4.6 seconds.

"A Harris poll last year found that [...] 37 percent said they engaged in texting."
Texting Drivers Take Eyes Off Road 5 Seconds On Average: Study

How about the friend that asks me why I did not respond to her Facebook post, so I pull out my phone, answer, and then she pulls out hers, and responds, while I keep saying "No! It is not important! You are driving! It can wait!"

At least her 90 Civic is a smaller "guided" missile, unlike the Suburban and minivan that she was driving, not that it would do me any good if she finally hits something.

I have usually been able to type on my phone without looking at it, but I am not sure how much that actually helps.
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