Originally Posted by Xist
I read about Elastiwrap and how they changed their name from -dip on the Dip Your Car forums. They said that it was more expensive and not as good, although it is rated for 350°F, while Plastidip is only rated for two hundred, although it seems to work on hoods.
I have been talking about Plastidipping my car since before I bought her and I will probably do something soon, now that I tried to buff out some scratches, and removed some paint.
The matte finish is great for hiding stuff like that!
Dip Your Car has great prices on gallons of Plastidip, it's significantly less expensive than Elastiwrap. If I could buy it locally (without having to ship), I would have gone that way. OTOH, Eastwood says that Elastiwrap is lighter and requires slightly fewer coats. Weight is the enemy.
Invest in a quality mask before you spray any of this stuff ...