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Old 10-10-2014, 04:24 PM   #2 (permalink)
More Cars Than Sense
StudeChamp's Avatar
Join Date: Mar 2011
Location: Sacramento, CA
Posts: 73

Studeo - '39 Studebaker Champion 4 door sedan

NOT SWIFT - '91 Geo Metro Base with xfi parts
90 day: 49.68 mpg (US)
Thanks: 48
Thanked 43 Times in 17 Posts
Rules of Engagement

To make this more of an ABA comparison, we are going to pit these cars against each other on two different tracks.

I've already spent a bundle on the red car (NOTSWFT) making it both aesthetic and efficient. Here's the list:

New paint
Suzuki Swift front and rear bumpers
Fresh interior
13 in tires
Delete passenger side mirror
Custom kammback
Swift lower front bumper
Swift 3.51 final drive transaxle
xfi computer and CAM
Rebuilt engine running 0w oil (Note: adding in some 5w).
Fresh front bearings
Rebuilt high flow injector
Restored interior (incl delete belts from door, custom panels)

In process:
Alignment; rear brakes and bearings
Red River OBDI display (bluetooth/tablet)
Exhaust mods

Build list on the white xfi (Honus):

Stock xfi (with correct rotating assembly), stock tranny
Newish 12" tires off a parts car
Throw away as much s*** as possible.

In other words, anything we can buy for the red car, we will. Anything we can do on a shoestring for the white car, we'll do that.

I commute from the foothills to the valley (approx 150' elevation loss/gain). Johnny commutes from the mountains to the valley (approx 3560' elevation gain). I drive kids, he carries equipment. Should be fun. I noticed the enthusiasm waning on my previous build thread, so I am hoping that a tit-for-tat competitive mod thread/grudge match will keep us on our game. Smack talk encouraged.
Attached Thumbnails
Click image for larger version

Name:	xfi vs xfi back 3-4.jpg
Views:	59
Size:	131.7 KB
ID:	16066   Click image for larger version

Name:	spyvspy.jpg
Views:	22
Size:	10.1 KB
ID:	16067  
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