So wow, 230+ view so far and what I've incurred are incredibly unproductive comments. I wont even go into the psychology behind them as there is no valid point to it. Thanks to a couple inputs there to at least somewhat defend the total irrelevancy of the comment, truly only validating and relevant to the one(s) making such comments. I truly expected more curiosity from this forum which I haven't been on in a while. If your not asking relevant questions your not learning anything. Or at least trying. Just to finish, I'm sure the posters feeling offended will re-validate their negative observations sighting the positive in them. Of course nothing related to the technology implemented within the video unless to further cast negative-isms. To that I value my time to no further discuss or get involved in such banter.
To GRANT-53 who is the only one with any curiosity related: That compression is obtained at my 10psig and which is sustained for only a couple of minutes at any given time usually. Even at 6-7psig which run at more often, I can sustain for fairly indefinitely comfortably which translates it's effective 15-16:1. The static compression on these engines are 11.5:1. That should provoke the question how on pump gas, which I can run with 86 octane as well but often run 90 (that's all that's available here. Other places can see as high as 92) This is on the SV by the way. That 18:1 is the effective compression it reaches at those boost levels and has now, recently reached over 30K miles with the turbo. Hope that answers your question.
The Yamaha's engines static is 9.5:1 which is why I can run 15psig sometimes 20. But that's to high for it's components or at least should be. Amazingly I've run those little engines for over 35K at those levels with 0 problems. I'm amazed at the integrity of it's components but wont push to find catastrophic failer. Once tuned specifically how I want it to, it should be able to obtain 100mpg driving at a "normal" speed.
Good day.