I'ts really boring to drive 52 mph with 18 wheelers overtaking you while shouting unpleaseant words. so I decided time to time drive using the speed limits, 75 mph, here.
Since I did the full tank experience in the Spring and Summer i realized that with lmiting top speed between 52 to 65 mph, fuel consumption goes 62 to 56 mpg with no problem at all.
But one of the main fuel wasting I found is overcooling and warmup. Car needs aprox half a liter of diesel to reach the working temp, so it is not so moded like yours, but i Did more than 200 Vag com VCDS data logging travels, so I know data that it is not reflected in the fuel log because I can't compare 2 full tanks because there are lots of variables out of control.
if you skip my first 3 tanks with stock car you will notice that in 10.000 milles fuel average is 4.28 L/100km or 55 US mpg,
But according to my data:
From 2013-10-31 to 2014-05-20 I did the full tank experience with several different conditions.
Car burned 370.39 liters of diesel, in 8985.8 kms that means 4.12 l/100km or 57 mpg (US).
No overinflated tires, no smoth hubcaps, some aire conditiong above 32ºC (89ºF), a top speeds between 50 to 65 mph, no belly pan, no lower grill block in summer, climate here is like California and I'm at 20m above sea level, so I'll be a bit dissapointed with you results. but i'm not dissapointed, because i know that they are good but I try to understand why they are not even better as they should.
But I'm guessing that you also have a bit of a problem with overcooling, no taller gear enough so big aerodynamic improvement but you don't get a linear improvment because of BSFC being not linear and you are lowering load in the engine...
but your results are impressive and consistent, and your mods are very well executed.
But I'm sure that an euro 5th gear of 0.625 or even an UK 0.592 will raise your mpg to 65 or 69.
I did not the test because I don't have enough torque yet at low rpm, 235 Nm (173ft.lb) at 1900 rpm stock, but I need them or a bit more at lower rpms.
Did you have a power torque curve of your Malone Tuning ECU flash?