Finished the second Insight rim today! Got it clear-coated up, and then I was on to the huge challenge of fixing the deeply scarred rim of my wife's brand new Explorer, which I had curbed a couple of weeks ago while pulling my lawn service trailer (which she was not very happy about!)
I used my Insight's rims as practice so I was a little better at the process before tackling hers, and the result was that her rim ended up looking amazing! I used the same steps as before, except her rim was so trashed that I took old mech's advice and started with a file (this cut the time roughly in half, I highly recommend this step!
RIP, tire
That was a 200 dollar learning experience, but I guess it could have been worse since a re-manufactured 20" rim like hers goes for about 350 bucks!
If the curb rash was really bad. I'd hit that with a file first.
I thought I had taken some "before" pics, but I couldn't find any (sorry). I curbed that rim so bad it took those giant chunks out of the tire in pics 2 & 3, and most of the edge and half the spokes needed to be filed first.