failed attempt at DWL
Last night, with the car warmed up, I got up to 60 mph on the freeway, then aimed to keep the car at 50 to 60 MAP, while watching the instant mpg and trying to keep it above 50 or 60 mpg on the flat. However, the car was not able to maintain this, and kept dropping off with the speed. After 15 miles of this, the average was only at 35 mpg, the lowest by far since getting the Ultragauge, at an average of 52 mph.
At this point I went back to pulse & Dfco or Eonc for most of the rest of the trip, with a couple of attempts at DWL, which seemed to only work when there was a gradual downhill, but not any better than my usual methods. My average ended up being 48.5 mpg for the 58 mile round trip. I feel there is something in my car that is holding it back.
The Rpm of my Civic is [correction] 2800 at 60 mph, but beyond that, this car has never coasted very well, not anywhere close to as well as my old '89 Chevy Celebrity. However it drops like a rock on moderate to steep downhills, which makes me think there is excess drag in something mechanical in the car, maybe the brakes, that is causing a drag beyond aerodynamics. I changed the trans fluid a couple of months ago. Let me know any ideas, and perhaps I will start a thread about this.
Last edited by j12piprius; 10-15-2014 at 06:47 PM..