Yeah, too bad indeed. Though a quick calculation learns the write-off on batteries is quite steep, or I might have looked into alternative sources of drive trains.
Because theres one workaround, if the drive and controller is from an existing road-legal EV, you can use it.
And because of that, I've recently been looking into the possibility of buying a Prius to replace my current car. I'd hack the electonics (canbus?) for more EV speed, put in a bigger battery, and do all my short-trips (I'm just lazy, ok) with plug-in power.
Theres a NHW11 (the 3-box sedan first gen one) for sale for about $2k, with 175k miles on it but I fear I might be buying myself a world of trouble and expensive repairs..
Last edited by AlexanderB; 10-12-2014 at 06:53 PM..