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Old 10-22-2014, 03:46 AM   #1 (permalink)
EcoModding Lurker
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Coasting in gear vs coasting in neutral-04 civic

Hey there, i'm new(er) to the whole hypermiling thing, although i have been tracking each tank of gas per fillup and average 39-42mpg per tank. (39 happens when i'm late and have to speed once in a while).

I shift around 2-2500 rpms (very low), have a very light/constant foot on the gas pedal, and generally drive like a grandmother.

I read the 100 tips for hypermiling, but i'm confused as whether it's better to coast/engine brake or to coast in neutral (i've tried coasting in neutral with the car off a few times but i'm wary of how i bump start it so generally i use the ignition, which could leave to premature starter wear so i don't do that often). My understanding is the injectors shut off a a certain rpm when in gear so it uses no fuel while coasting in gear, but i can't find what that rpm is anywhere (googled quite a few times!)

Sorry if this has been answered various times i just can't seem to find an answer, and i'm really looking to develop better hypermiling habits.

Anyways i have a 2004 civic lx 5 speed 1.7l, just a college guy trying to save some money.


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