Originally Posted by Grant-53
I agree. The bike needs to fit the person, the terrain, and gearing. Some people ride around town at 60 rpm. I gear for 90 rpm and those who road race will spin higher. There is a great range of options in sizing a bike. That is what makes a bicycle different from a scooter or motorcycle. So how long is your femur 
Agreed! At the time I had a Softride (for fitment and training) and used Powercranks, so I was able to see every adjustment's affect on heartrate and power output. After switching focus away from racing, I used that same setup again when generating electricity from the bike for the house. The goal was to get as many watts possible from these getaway sticks. This resulted in yet another extended study of the longer lever idea with crankarms....
On the Vengeance (diamond frame) for speed there is a 56 tooth front ring and an 11 tooth rear.
On the Challenge (recumbent) for speed there is a 60 tooth front ring, then a mid-drive, and an 11 tooth rear. If I need more on a downhill a Schlumph is my Hail-Mary!

Femur-wise is around 22.5 inches. I used to stumble over all that info at one time, now it's all buried somewhere!