Originally Posted by MPaulHolmes
I was clamping Vd and Vq using a scale factor. So, it was like this:
VdClamped = scale*Vd
VqClamped = scale*Vq
So that dist(VdClamped,VqClamped) <= MAX_RADIUS.
Id is proportional to Vd, and Iq is proportional to Vq, so why not clamp IdRef and IqRef with the same scale factor?! And then let them ramp up quickly to where they wanted to be. Each time Vd and Vq bump into the ceiling, Id and Iq now can still track IdRef and IqRef.
It works REALLY REALLY well. Hard accelerations, hard decelerations, oh ya, no problems whatsoever. Field weakening happens automatically. No messing around with the actual RPM. I think I have a winner winner chicken dinner.
Sounds like the "motor men" are getting good info and squabbling less.
BTW, since I will be attempting to make a BPMBLDC motor work with this program, I'll need to "comment out" the code about slip, but still adjust the Id Iq angle. Is this part relatively easy to find in the code?
Thanks a bunch!
- E*clipse