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Old 10-28-2014, 08:01 PM   #118 (permalink)
EcoModding Lurker
Join Date: Mar 2014
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hey thanks cosmick

i have seen several approaches to picking a turbo charger.
i followed the procedure you mentioned and i see that the line has a positive slope.
i have read the garret websites procedure and noticed they drew a horizontal line along the pressure ratio they wanted to run from maximum engine rpm to another point, im forgetting what value they had there but i knew that boost would rise as the mass flow increased, your method shows that, i agree more with that than a horizontal line.

and i do agree that 10 mpg sucks, but thats what the 460 efi in stock form (with shattered rings and 200k miles) with my truck and tires gave the last time i drove it before this rebuild. i feel that if 50% of the fuel burned was a flammable waste (filtered used oils) then i would be buying 1/2 as much gas. with as much as ive spent im pretty much locked into this 460. i feel like its possible to use gasified oils as fuel, and gasoline makes it start up and run better. the woodgas guys run straight woodgas with a power loss, hopefully some boost will add some ponies

oil pan,

im looking at the borg warner s400 series, i have considered a t76 aswell. im not trying to get 1/4 mile et's and i think a conservative size could yield better results. im just curious if you knew the AR ratio on the t76 you run? and other specs too thanks ill look at your page and thread(s) to see if i can find it. thanks

i look forward to getting pics up, things are looking good!
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