I rarely get abused in traffic these days, mainly because:
#1 - I haul ass up to speed with full assist, not so much to pacify the other drivers, but more so because I want the shortest time possible between a dead stop and lean burn!
#2 - I completely de-badged the Turtle, except for the big ole Ecomodder decal on the back. Nobody even seems to realize it's a Hybrid, and I'm not going so much slower than traffic that I make a spectacle of myself
#3 - I never take I-4 (Interstate), and I now have modified my route to where I am on 4-lane roads almost the entire time where there is room to get around me, without a crazy amount of lights. Only the last three or four miles is on a two lane road, but it's not heavily traveled, and anybody behind me just goes around me anyway.